Mommy Make-Over

Be a woman again, not just a mother....

Inspiring Confidence, Improving Looks & Changing Lives

Just as good, or better...

Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are natural and meaningful events in a woman’s life.

However, these milestones can have undesirable effects on your breasts and midsection. By combining your choice of body contouring procedures, like tummy tuck, breast augmentation and liposuction, Dr. Peter Kansiime can reverse the toll motherhood has taken on your body. Evening and weekend consultation and surgery times available.

People might tell you, “It took nine months to gain the weight, and it will take nine months to lose it.” But the combination of diet and exercise, while important, won’t do anything to get rid of all that excess skin around your belly and lift your sagging deflated breasts.

You don’t have to live the rest of your life hiding your body in embarrassment. A mommy makeover gets your body back to where it was before having kids, or even better. Visit our Clinic In Mombasa, Kenya and get your mommy make over procedure done with our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons.

What is Included in a Mommy Makeover?


A Mommy Makeover Procedure generally involves the combination of two or more surgical procedures performed in one stage; these typically include a combination of a Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, and a Breast Lift and Augmentation (with breast implants or Fat Transfer). However, a Mommy Makeover can also be staged into multiple surgeries and include other procedures such as a Breast Reduction, labiaplasty, or Liposuction of other stubborn areas. A Thigh Lift, Arm lift, and Butt Lift may also be incorporated as well.

Breast Augmentation with Lift

A breast enhancement most often involves the combination of a Breast Augmentation and Lift, but will vary between women. These procedures are often beneficial for mothers who have seen the youthful pertness and position of their breasts change. Breast Augmentation restores or adds volume to the breasts and involves the surgical placement of a saline or silicone filled breast implant behind each breast or using your own fat via fat transfer during a Mommy Makeover. During a Breast Lift (Mastopexy), loose skin is removed to tighten, elevate and reshape the breasts. Some women’s breasts also stay larger after pregnancy and breastfeeding, necessitating a Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty) and a Breast Lift.

Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is especially beneficial to mothers. Along with removing loose skin and stubborn fat in the abdominal area, the tummy tuck can tighten the abdominal muscles that commonly become stretched with pregnancy. This condition is called rectus diastasis, where the muscles can become separated and cause laxity and weakness in the stomach. Abdominoplasty will likely not help with abdominal striae, or stretch marks, unless they occur in an area of skin that will be removed. Generally, a tummy tuck procedure requires an incision along the lower abdomen where excess tissue can be removed and tightened. Some mommy makeover patients benefit from a mini tummy tuck while others require a more extensive procedure.


Liposuction is one of the best options for removing stubborn fat pockets from the lower body. Many moms opt for liposuction on areas like the hips or thighs where it’s common to carry extra weight that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. If you opt for liposuction, you can also discuss your options for fat transfer procedures with Dr. Peter in order to add fatty tissue to areas like the buttocks or breasts. This can enhance your figure and restore some lost volume.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Tightening surgery (Vaginoplasty) restores vaginal tightness and shape that has been distorted over time. The procedure involves removing stretched vaginal tissue, tightening of the vagina, and tightening of the vaginal opening. Mothers whose vaginal tissues have stretched with age and childbirth, for whom Kegel exercises have failed, and/or for whom sexual satisfaction is not what it used to be, may benefit from this procedure.A Labiaplasty can be performed as a part of your mommy makeover to reduce the length of the labia minora for cosmetic, comfort, or hygienic reasons.


Who is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover Procedure?

Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back

A Mommy Makeover Procedure generally involves the combination of two or more surgical procedures performed in one stage; these typically include a combination of a Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, and a Breast Lift and Augmentation (with breast implants or Fat Transfer). However, a Mommy Makeover can also be staged into multiple surgeries and include other procedures such as a Breast Reduction, labiaplasty, or Liposuction of other stubborn areas. A Thigh Lift, Arm lift, and Butt Lift may also be incorporated as well.

What is a Mommy Make-Over?

The procedures that you get for your mommy makeover depend on what you want to improve. The term “mommy makeover” refers to any cosmetic procedures that a woman gets to improve their appearance after having children. Usually, this consists of a breast lift, tummy tuck and liposuction, but you may also want to get a Brazilian butt lift, breast augmentation and Botox. The choice is up to you!

Benefits Of A Mommy Make-Over

Better Shape and Tighter, More Youthful Skin
Increased breast projection, volume and lifting are combined with tummy and thigh contouring to greatly improve shape contour and tighten skin.

Removal of Stretch Marks
When you become pregnant, your skin stretches quickly to accommodate your growing baby. Mothers often can often become critical of these stretch marks on their postpartum tummy skin. Though with the proper procedure within your Mommy Makeover plan, we can minimize stretch marks and get your bikini body ready in no time.

Enhanced Cleavage
After pregnancy and breastfeeding, breasts tend to droop. With a breast lift or augmentation, your cohesive gel implants feel much more natural than older saline-filled breast implants and come with a lifetime warranty.

A More Dramatic Effect
Rather than drawing out your transformation through several months or years, a Mommy Makeover allows you to do everything at once, meaning you’ll see significant changes in a short amount of time.

The Mommy Makeover Procedure

A mommy makeover is performed under general anesthesia. Since your mommy makeover will include more than one cosmetic surgery procedure at once, the surgery itself can take a few hours or more. During your consultation with Dr. Peter Kansiime, you’ll discuss your exact surgical plan so you know what to expect both before and after surgery.

The mommy makeover has the benefit of addressing multiple areas at once so you don’t need to worry about separate recovery periods or costs—however, this can come with some additional risks so Dr. Peter Kansiime will discuss your best options during your consultation.

Benefits of Combined Procedures

The Mommy Makeover typically consists for two or more procedures performed during the same surgery. In addition to obtaining optimal results in one fell swoop, this approach also reduces the overall cost of treatment. When we perform multiple procedures at once, we maximize our use of an accredited surgical facility, anesthesia, and staffing, which amounts to money saved.

Timing the Mommy Makeover for Maximum Results

The results of breast and body procedures can be affected by fluctuations in weight, which are an obvious event during pregnancy. For this reason, the Mommy Makeover is best reserved for those who are not planning to become pregnant in the future.

How long after having my last baby should I wait to have a mommy makeover?

The timing of a Mommy Makeover correlates not only with future pregnancy but also recent childbirth. We understand how excited and anxious you must be to get back into your favorite LBD. However, breast and body procedures may need to wait about six months. In the several months after childbirth, several concerns related to skin and excess weight may resolve, at least somewhat. Also, because breast feeding may be impeded by a breast procedure, treatment should wait until a baby has been weaned.

How Should I Prepare for Surgery?

Important preparation for your recovery after surgery include:

  • Organize your affairs and schedule, so that you can completely relax and rest after surgery.
  • Make sure you arrange for someone to bring you to the clinic and to pick you up and stay with you after your surgery


What Can I Expect During the Procedure?

A Mommy Makeover surgery will vary in technique and time, depending on which individual procedures are being performed and the level of correction needed.  Ace Plastic Surgery Team will explain each procedure to you in more detail during the consultation process and again prior to your surgery to ensure you fully understand what the surgery will entail.

Mommy Makeover Recovery

Because the mommy makeover combines more than one surgical procedure at once, the recovery period can be more involved. You can expect to take at least one or two weeks of downtime, although your complete recovery can take around 6 weeks. You’ll need to avoid heavy lifting and exercise during this time so you should be sure to arrange for childcare and help with tasks around the house. It’s important to still move and walk around to lower the risk of complications.

Dr. Peter Kansiime will provide detailed instructions to follow during the recovery process that include things like wearing supportive compression garments, taking pain medications, managing drains, and returning for follow-up appointments. You’ll receive Dr. Peter’s contact information for any questions. You’ll see your final results settle in over the following months for a contoured, rejuvenated figure for the long term.

What are the Risks of a Mommy Makeover Surgery?

When performed by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Peter, a mommy makeover is extremely safe. Complications are rare.

Special considerations will apply to each of the individual surgical procedures that may be performed during a Mommy Makeover Surgery. The Ace Plastic Surgery Team always discusses these with each patient during the consultation process.

How Long does it Take to See the Results from a Mommy Makeover?


There will be an immediate and obvious difference to your appearance after surgery. The final outcome will become more apparent as post-operative swelling dissipates and the body or breasts settle down during the first three months after surgery.


Dr. Peter Kansiime and our team of nurses, surgical coordinators and medical office staff strive to provide every one of our patients with a seamless, enjoyable, and educational experience.

We excel at helping you reach your face, breast and body goals safely through a comprehensive offering of non-surgical procedures while educating on and achieving realistic expectations for natural, radiant results.

Many of our patients have multiple non-surgical procedures and we are proud to treat their friends, sisters, mothers, brothers, co-workers and friends time and time again. Our non-surgical procedures are meticulously detailed and performed with a patient-first mindset – ensuring you are achieving your personal goals and experiencing the very best in patient care, treatment and post-procedure support.



Whether you want to enhance your natural features or reverse signs of aging, Ace Plastic Surgery and our team serving East African and beyond  can help. Our procedures can allow patients to look and feel their best, and to experience the many valuable benefits of boosted self-confidence. If you’re ready to start your journey and learn more about what plastic surgery can do for you, request a consultation online or call our office at:

Ace Plastic Surgery Kenya - Lead Surgeon Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

MBChB, Mmed, PRS (U.O.N.), Cert. Microsurgery (SA)

Dr. Peter Biribwa is the founder and Director of Ace Plastic Surgery clinic specializing in Plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Coast Of Kenya.
Dr. Peter Biribwa is a is a double board certified licenced plastic surgeon in Kenya and Uganda, practising Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery. He got his medical degree from the University of Nairobi. After serving as an intern and resident at the Kenyatta National Hospital and Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, he completed his residency in Plastics, Aesthetics and reconstructive surgery at the University of Nairobi. He has also undertaken a course in Microsurgery at Sefako Makgatho University in South Africa.

With extensive training and years of specialized experience, Dr. Peter has built an outstanding team of healthcare professionals and clinical staff to ensure an exceptional in-patient experience and seamless delivery of service and post-operative care at Ace Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Peter and the team at Ace Plastic Surgery are best known in Kenya, and throughout East Africa for exceptional surgical outcomes and compassionate care. Our goal is simple: to support you in achieving your cosmetic and reconstructive goals and restoring your confidence.


We believe in building lifelong relationships with our patients. This purpose guides our approach every step of the way, from the minute you walk through the door to long after your procedure is complete.


Before & After

Nothing is more personal than how we feel about how we look. View Ace Gallery for Before & After photos to see the difference.

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