Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

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As a person ages, there is a tendency for the breast tissue to descend, or droop, to a lower position on the chest wall. This phenomenon is known as breast ptosis, and is also affected by pregnancy, breast-feeding, weight gain/loss and hormonal changes. In addition to this, the nipple may descend and appear too low relative to the breast. A breast lift (mastopexy) is a procedure performed by plastic surgeons to address droopiness of the breasts and restore the breasts to a more youthful shape and position. In some instances, patients require both a breast lift and a breast augmentation with an implant to increase the size of the breasts in addition to improving breast shape.

Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery

A breast lift can move your breasts to a higher placement on your chest, reducing excess skin and tightening the remainder for a firmer, more vibrant appearance. If you would like to reduce the size of your areolas, this can also be included in a breast lift procedure.

If increasing the size of your breasts and removing extra skin is important to you, a breast lift procedure alone cannot accomplish these needs. However, a breast augmentation with implants combined with a breast lift can be ideal for enhancing volume as well as lifting the breasts to a higher position. These options can be discussed during your consultation with one of our plastic surgeons.

Below, we’ve included some of the advantages we’ve seen firsthand. 


Recapture a More Youthful Appearance

Sagging, drooping breasts can add years to your appearance. A breast lift procedure can help you achieve a youthful and rejuvenated look.

Reduce Under-Breast Irritation

Large, heavy breasts can lead to sweating, discomfort, and irritation in the crease beneath the breast. A breast lift will take the weight off this skin and leave it less prone to chafing.

Improve the Way Your Clothes Fit

Firm, lifted breasts will change your silhouette, allowing for better fitting clothes.

Boost Your Body Image

Achieve a healthy self-image with an individualized approach to breast enhancement.


The breast lift procedure, also known as mastopexy, is typically recommended for women who are generally happy with the size of their breasts but desire a more youthful shape, texture, and contour. Sagging skin and drooping (ptosis) of the breasts are very common and can occur during the natural aging process, after pregnancy, or following weight loss. Here at Ace Plastic surgery, our experienced plastic surgery team can help you attain firmer, “perkier” breasts with beautiful, natural-looking results.

What is Breast Lift Surgery?

A breast lift (also called a Mastopexy) is a surgical procedure that seeks to correct breast sagging or drooping breast tissue, excess skin and to restore a more youthful appearance. It may be done in conjunction with breast augmentation or alone to restore the natural lift and tightness that is often lost with age, weight loss or gain, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. Through the removal of excess skin and the reshaping of breast tissue, your mastopexy surgeon can help you regain the shape you thought was lost – and boost your body image at the same time.

Sometimes, smaller breasts, that have deflated and gotten droopy, often get a good lift effect just from a breast augmentation alone.

What Can I Expect During A Consultation?

In assessing you as a candidate for a breast lift, your doctor will carefully check:

  • The size and shape of your breasts
  • The quality of your skin, and
  • The placement of the nipple-areola complex.
  • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drug use
  • Previous surgeries

Dr. Peter will also:

  • Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
  • Take photographs
  • Discuss your options
  • Discuss likely outcomes of arm lift surgery and any risks or potential complications

If you are overweight, your plastic surgeon may suggest that you lose weight before having surgery.

Breast Augmentation Kenya

Breast Lift Procedure

Your surgery is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. It takes  hours to perform a breast lift.

There are several different ways to perform these surgeries, but our general goal is to improve breast shape and position while minimizing visible surgery scars. The end result is a restored youthful bust.

 During the procedure excess skin is removed to create a tighter and more pleasing shape. The nipples are often moved higher up on the breast if they are too low. During a breast lift, sometimes the areola -the dark area around the nipple- may be reduced if necessary.  You will learn more specifics about breast lift options during your consultation.

Can it be combined with other procedures?

Yes.  Breast lift surgery is often combined with breast augmentation in order to improve the shape and position of the breasts, while increasing breast size.  Breast lift surgery may also be combined with breast reduction in order to improve the appearance of the breasts, while relieving physical strain caused by large breasts.   Some patients choose to combine breast lift with other cosmetic procedures, such as inverted nipple correction, tummy tuck, and liposuction.  Dr. Peter Biribwa will discuss with you what procedures or combination of procedures may best suit your specific needs. 

Are You a Good Candidate?

During a one-on-one consultation, your plastic surgeon will determine whether you are an appropriate candidate for a breast lift. Typically, good candidates are non-smokers who have:

  • Good health and a stable body weight
  • Realistic expectations for the procedure
  • Frustrations about breast sagging, lost volume or fullness
  • Breasts with a pendulous, elongated shape
  • Stretched skin and enlarged areolas
  • Nipples and areolas that point downward
  • One breast that is lower than the other


How to Prepare for Breast Lift Surgery

Here at, ace plastic surgery, your plastic surgeon will provide detailed instructions to ensure that you are properly prepared for the surgery and the recovery period. You will also receive guidelines on what to eat and drink and whether you need to avoid certain medications or supplements before and after your procedure.

What Can I Expect in My Breast Lift Surgery Recovery?

For the first few weeks following your surgery, you can expect to have some swelling and bruising, but this will gradually fade. Patients can typically resume their normal routine within the first week, but we recommend you refrain from strenuous activity for several weeks so that the healing process is not disrupted. One of our surgeons will go over all aspects of the procedure and recovery process before your treatment.

What Will My Breast Lift Scars Look Like?

Scars are common after any plastic surgery procedure. Our surgeons work to minimize the size and prominence of breast lift incisions. With time and proper healing, mastopexy scars will fade considerably. Keep in mind that these scars can be easily concealed by many tops, undergarments, and bathing suits.

How Long Will the Results of My Breast Lift surgery Last?

The results of breast lift aim to be long lasting. However, gravity and the effects of ageing will eventually alter the size and shape of every woman’s breasts. If, after time, you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you may choose to undergo a repeat breast lift to try to restore a youthful contour.

What Risks Are Associated with Breast Lift Surgery?

Complications of breast lift surgery, like those of other cosmetic procedures, are uncommon but may include unfavorable scarring, asymmetries, bleeding, infection, swelling and numbness. Specific to breast lift surgery, risks including recurrence of the sagginess and the rare possibility of loss of feeling or skin loss around the nipple can occur.

Ace Plastic Surgery Kenya - Lead Surgeon Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

MBChB, Mmed, PRS (U.O.N.), Cert. Microsurgery (SA)

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime is the founder and Director of Ace Plastic Surgery clinic specializing in Plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Coast Of Kenya.

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime is a is a double board certified licenced plastic surgeon in Kenya and Uganda, practising Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery. He got his medical degree from the University of Nairobi.
After serving as an intern and resident at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Aga Khan Hospital among other hospitals in Kenya, Dr Biribwa completed his residency in Plastics, Aesthetics and reconstructive surgery at the University of Nairobi.
He has also undertaken a course in Microsurgery at Sefako Makgatho University in South Africa (Medical University Of South Africa – MEDUNSA)

Dr. Peter Biribwa also worked as a consulting Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at the Coast General Hospital (2018 -2021) where he was involved in clinical practice, training general surgery residents and served as external faculty to the University of Nairobi plastic Surgery Degree Training Program.

With extensive training and years of specialized experience, Dr. Peter Biribwa has built an outstanding team of healthcare professionals and clinical staff to ensure an exceptional in-patient experience and seamless delivery of service and post-operative care at Ace Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Peter Biribwa and the team at Ace Plastic Surgery are best known in Kenya, and throughout East Africa for exceptional surgical outcomes and compassionate care. Our goal is simple: to support you in achieving your cosmetic and reconstructive goals and restoring your confidence.


Dr. Peter Kansiime and our team of nurses, surgical coordinators and medical office staff strive to provide every one of our patients with a seamless, enjoyable, and educational experience.

We excel at helping you reach your face, breast and body goals safely through a comprehensive offering of non-surgical procedures while educating on and achieving realistic expectations for natural, radiant results.

Many of our patients have multiple non-surgical procedures and we are proud to treat their friends, sisters, mothers, brothers, co-workers and friends time and time again. Our non-surgical procedures are meticulously detailed and performed with a patient-first mindset – ensuring you are achieving your personal goals and experiencing the very best in patient care, treatment and post-procedure support.



Whether you want to enhance your natural features or reverse signs of aging, Ace Plastic Surgery and our team serving Kenya, Uganda & throughout the East African area can help. Our procedures can allow patients to look and feel their best, and to experience the many valuable benefits of boosted self-confidence. If you’re ready to start your journey and learn more about what plastic surgery can do for you, request a consultation online or call our office at:


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