
Remove Fat And Contour Your Abdomen, Hips, Thighs, Buttocks And Neck…

Inspiring Confidence, Improving Looks & Changing Lives

Remove Fat And Contour Your Abdomen, Hips, Thighs, Buttocks And Neck

If you are frustrated with pockets of fat that refuse to budge with diet and exercise or desire a more sculpted and proportionate physique, we can help. Often, these collections of fat are predetermined by genetics and can be difficult to shrink without medical intervention. Using liposuction, we sculpt away this undesired fat to reveal the smoothly contoured body that you know has been there all along.

Liposuction in Mombasa, Kenya, helps many women and men refine body contours to achieve a proportional, fit appearance.


We love being able to see the outstanding advantages produced by liposuction. As the leading clinic in East Africa for aesthetic surgeries, 

we get the pleasure of seeing the benefits on a daily basis. 

Below, we’ve included some of the advantages we’ve seen firsthand. 


One of the biggest reasons to get liposuction is to boost your self-confidence. Fortunately, with liposuction, you can finally feel sexy, attractive, and confident. In fact, you may also experience more energy following your surgery.


There have been studies linking liposuction to a reduction of triglycerides in patients with high blood fat levels pre-surgery. Lowering your triglycerides improves your heart health


The pockets of fat that would be targeted by liposuction may have previously limited your mobility. In addition to a positive effect on joints, patients may experience enhanced mobility after choosing liposuction. Increased mobility is connected to a more active lifestyle and the health benefits of moving freely are numerous.


Weight loss can be linked to lowered risk of cardiovascular disease, reduced inflammation in the body and improved mood and self esteem. Liposuction is a great way to target those areas that dieting and exercise cannot affect. Liposuction can help your body and mind feel great.


Our Ace liposuction patients find that the surgery greatly benefits their lives, providing more self-confidence and a new appreciation for their bodies. Below, we’ve included information about the procedure. If you have any questions, please contact us today!

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. Liposuction also shapes (contours) these areas. Liposuction is also referred to as body contouring.

You may be a candidate for liposuction if you have too much body fat in specific spots but otherwise have stable body weight.

Liposuction & Body Contouring Benefits

Liposuction is an extremely versatile procedure that can be custom-tailored to address a wide variety of patient concerns. Localized fat deposits may develop in nearly any part of the body, and liposuction can effectively eliminate these excess fat cells. Additional benefits of this common cosmetic procedure can include:

  • Enhanced definition and contours at the treatment area
  • A slimmer, more toned appearance
  • Improved fit of clothing
  • Boosted confidence
  • Minimal downtime and recovery
  • Long-lasting results

Some patients choose to combine liposuction with an additional body sculpting procedure such as tummy tuck or arm lift surgery for an even more significant transformation.

Liposuction at Ace Plastic Surgery Mombasa Kenya
Liposuction at Ace Plastic Surgery kenya

Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction is used to remove additional and stubborn fat from areas of the body that haven’t responded to diet and exercise, such as the:

  • Abdomen
  • Upper arms
  • Buttocks
  • Calves and ankles
  • Chest and back
  • Hips and thighs
  • Chin and neck
  • In addition, liposuction can additionally be used for breast reduction or the treatment of gynecomastia.

To perform the liposuction procedure, your plastic surgeon will make small incisions through which the thin suction cannulas can be inserted. Using careful guidance and suction, fat is gently removed from under the skin, gradually resculpting the target areas.

Our surgical staff will ensure your comfort and safety throughout the procedure. The procedure may be done under a general or local anesthetic. Typically, liposuction requires half an hour to 2 hours or more, depending on how many areas are being treated. Women sometimes combine liposuction with a tummy tuck and breast augmentation for a mommy makeover procedure.


How to Prepare for Liposuction

During the pre-operative consultation, your doctor will review your problem areas and discuss what your goals are and what they suggest. It is best to be realistic in expectations. Dr. Peter Kansiime will then take you through the procedure and care that should be considered, reviewing your medical history and allergies to avoid adverse and negative effects during and after surgery.

What Can I Expect in My Liposuction Recovery?

During your recovery from surgery, the treated areas are secured in compression garments to help control swelling. Should you experience any pain or discomfort, medication can help make recovery more comfortable. It is normal to experience mild bruising, but this should quickly fade. Patients can typically resume normal activities within the first week, but you should refrain from exercise and other strenuous activities for at least three weeks.

What Will My Liposuction Scars Look Like?

Since liposuction is a type of surgery, incisions are made and will result in minor scarring. However, since the cannulas used to extract the fat are small, the resulting incision lines are typically small and heal well. To minimize the appearance of your scars, our plastic surgeons are careful to make incisions in areas that can easily be concealed. After your liposuction procedure, you will be provided with post-operative wound care instructions to help ensure a smooth recovery. Your scars should gradually fade over the course of the first year as your body continues to heal, becoming lighter and smoother.

Liposuction at ace plastic surgery Mombasa Kenya
Ace Plastic Surgery kenya

How Long Will the Results of My Liposuction Last?

The results of your liposuction will be lifelong. The fat that is removed will not return. It is essential to maintain your surgical weight after the procedure and stay within 5-10 pounds of your post-liposuction weight to ensure permanent contour and figure enhancements. Excessive weight gain following your procedure will result in the accumulation of fat, not usually to the treated area, but to other areas where you would not traditionally have collected fat.


What Risks Are Associated with Liposuction?

As with any surgery, there are risks to undergoing liposuction. This is why it is important to seek a highly qualified plastic surgeon to ensure your safety. Our surgeons perform in-depth consultations with each patient to determine if they are a good candidate for liposuction, or if alternative options may be better suited for their needs. Liposuction will only be recommended if it can help patients while ensuring as little risk as possible.

Temporary side effects that can occur after liposuction include numbness, itchiness, swelling and bruising. Though rare, more severe side effects can occur, and these will explained to you in detail during your consultation, allowing you to make an informed decision about your care.


Dr. Peter Kansiime and our team of nurses, surgical coordinators and medical office staff strive to provide every one of our patients with a seamless, enjoyable, and educational experience.

We excel at helping you reach your face, breast and body goals safely through a comprehensive offering of non-surgical procedures while educating on and achieving realistic expectations for natural, radiant results.

Many of our patients have multiple non-surgical procedures and we are proud to treat their friends, sisters, mothers, brothers, co-workers and friends time and time again. Our non-surgical procedures are meticulously detailed and performed with a patient-first mindset – ensuring you are achieving your personal goals and experiencing the very best in patient care, treatment and post-procedure support.



Whether you want to enhance your natural features or reverse signs of aging, Ace Plastic Surgery and our team serving Kenya, Uganda & throughout the East African area can help. Our procedures can allow patients to look and feel their best, and to experience the many valuable benefits of boosted self-confidence. If you’re ready to start your journey and learn more about what plastic surgery can do for you, request a consultation online or call our office at:

Ace Plastic Surgery Kenya - Lead Surgeon Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

MBChB, Mmed, PRS (U.O.N.), Cert. Microsurgery (SA)

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime is the founder and Director of Ace Plastic Surgery clinic specializing in Plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Coast Of Kenya.

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime is a is a double board certified licenced plastic surgeon in Kenya and Uganda, practising Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery. He got his medical degree from the University of Nairobi.
After serving as an intern and resident at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Aga Khan Hospital among other hospitals in Kenya, Dr Biribwa completed his residency in Plastics, Aesthetics and reconstructive surgery at the University of Nairobi.
He has also undertaken a course in Microsurgery at Sefako Makgatho University in South Africa (Medical University Of South Africa – MEDUNSA)

Dr. Peter Biribwa also worked as a consulting Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at the Coast General Hospital (2018 -2021) where he was involved in clinical practice, training general surgery residents and served as external faculty to the University of Nairobi plastic Surgery Degree Training Program.

With extensive training and years of specialized experience, Dr. Peter Biribwa has built an outstanding team of healthcare professionals and clinical staff to ensure an exceptional in-patient experience and seamless delivery of service and post-operative care at Ace Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Peter Biribwa and the team at Ace Plastic Surgery are best known in Kenya, and throughout East Africa for exceptional surgical outcomes and compassionate care. Our goal is simple: to support you in achieving your cosmetic and reconstructive goals and restoring your confidence.


We believe in building lifelong relationships with our patients. This purpose guides our approach every step of the way, from the minute you walk through the door to long after your procedure is complete.


Before & After

Nothing is more personal than how we feel about how we look. View Ace Gallery for Before & After photos to see the difference.

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