Rejuvenate, Enhance and Modify.....

Inspiring Confidence, Improving Looks & Changing Lives

Facelift (Rhytidectomy) At Ace Plastic Surgery

The plastic surgeons at Ace Plastic Surgery Clinic use innovative techniques with a goal of achieving excellent results for facelift patients in East Africa. A facelift rejuvenates the face and neck by removing excess skin and replenishing the youthful volume of the face, restoring smoother, more pleasing contours.

As people age, wrinkles and loose, sagging skin will show up on the face because of the effects of gravity, sun exposure, genetics, and other stresses. A facelift can make men and women look younger to “turn back the clock” by improving visible signs of an aging face. A facelift removes excess skin, tightens underlying tissue, repositions soft tissue of the face and neck area.

Benefits of a Facelift

Most patients who undergo facelifts are between the ages of 40 and 60, when the effects of aging begin to become troublesome.

A facelift is great to rejuvenate the middle to lower parts of your face. To rejuvenate the upper parts, particularly around the eyes and forehead, you may want to consider an eyelid lift and/or forehead lift. These procedures can be combined to give you dramatic results!

Below, we’ve included some of the advantages we’ve seen firsthand. 

Youthful Appearance

By tightening loose skin and deep supportive muscles, removing wrinkles, and repositioning facial fat, the cosmetic plastic surgeons at Ace Plastic Surgery are able to instill a more youthful and rested appearance in patients.


After your facelift at Ace, you will look amazing without looking operated on. Indeed, Dr Peter and the Ace, boasts the surgical skill to ensure that scarring is minimal and not generally noticeable.


Unfortunately, genetics can often lead to some individuals appearing years or even decades older than they actually are. A facelift procedure can combat the signs of premature or excessive aging by restoring a more youthful complexion.


At its core, a facelift is designed to boost confidence. After all, when you look good, you feel good.


Are you looking for a way to recapture your youthful beauty?  Are you feeling self-conscious or embarrassed by sagging skin?  One of the best ways to address both of those concerns is to visit our team in Mombasa, Kenya,  for a face lift.

Also known as rhytidectomy, a full facelift is a procedure done to tighten loose skin on the neck and jaw line, as well as treat deep wrinkle lines in the face and corners of the mouth. It can be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to enhance the overall look of the face.

What is a Facelift?

A facelift (rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic surgical procedure to create a younger appearance in your face. A facelift is used to give a “refreshed” appearance to the face addressing deflation or sagging in the cheeks, aging around the mouth, loss of jawline definition (jowls) and within the neck that typically occur with age.

During a facelift, a flap of skin on each side of the face is pulled back, and tissues below the skin are surgically altered to return the contour of the face to a more youthful shape. Before the flap is sutured closed, excess skin is removed.

A  facelift is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin in both the face and neck. A facelift can only be performed surgically and typically takes 2-3 hours.

When Is A Facelift Performed?

As you get older, the appearance, shape and definition of your face is altered, typically due to regular age-related changes. Your skin becomes less elastic and looser, and fat deposits may decrease in some areas of your face and increase in others. Age-related changes in your face that may be reduced with a facelift include the following:

  • Sagging appearance of your cheeks
  • Excess skin at your lower jawline (jowls)
  • Deepening of the fold of skin from the side of your nose to the corner of your mouth
  • Sagging skin and excess fat in the neck (if the procedure includes a neck lift)

A facelift isn’t a treatment for superficial wrinkles, sun damage, creases around the nose and upper lip, or irregularities in skin color.

Facelift Procedure

Face lift surgery takes a few hours and requires either a general anesthetic or a local anesthetic combined with a sedative. While patients can usually leave after the procedure, in some instances a short inpatient stay may be necessary.

To that end, a facelift may include the typical skin excision to address skin descent and deep wrinkles, with scars that are neatly concealed around the ears and in the hairline. It may also include fat grafting to restore volume to cheeks, the cheek/eyelid junction (also known as tear trough) and lower face. A facelift surgery can be combined with other procedures targeting specific areas of the face, such as a blepharoplasty for instance. 

Are You a Good Candidate?

In truth, there is no one specific trait that defines a “good” candidate. Patients with sagging cheeks, soft tissue volume, hanging neck skin, and early jowls make good candidates for facelifts and mini-lifts, as well as endoscopic and thread lift procedures.

However, while there are no specific traits that dictate candidacy, there are certain conditions that can make the process more seamless.

Skin Laxity
Ideally, a patient’s skin should have a good amount of laxity, as a facelift at ace Plastic Surgery is designed to remove excess skin and resuspend the deep muscle skin.

Well-Defined Bone Structure
A well-defined bone structure can make a great deal of difference for a facelift, as the cosmetic surgeon will have proper support while performing alterations.

Proper Physical Health
Good health and a lack of serious medical conditions are vital for a proper recovery following a facelift procedure.

How to Prepare for A Face Lift

During the pre-operative consultation, your doctor will review your problem areas and discuss what your goals are and what they suggest. It is best to be realistic in expectations. Dr. Peter Kansiime will then take you through the procedure and care that should be considered, reviewing your medical history and allergies to avoid adverse and negative effects during and after surgery.


  • Stop smoking for at least four weeks prior to surgery. If you don’t refrain from smoking for this minimum amount of time, your surgey will be rescheduled. This is to minimize the risk of complications.
  • Discontinue using any medications that contain aspirin, ibuprofen, blood thinners and vitamin E because they can cause prolonged bleeding and bruising post-surgery.
  • Eat a balanced diet and remain active prior to surgery. Your body should be in good health to make your recovery easier.
  • The night before your surgery you will need to stop eating or drinking at midnight. This means no water, no gum or hard candy.

What Can I Expect in My Facelift Recovery?

The recovery from a facelift  is typically about two weeks, but this will ultimately depend on the extent of swelling and bruising that occurs. Any discomfort throughout the healing process can be remedied with medication. Patients can usually return to work after two weeks, as symptoms significantly lessen. More details about your recovery process will be discussed during the consultation process.

What Will My Facelift Scars Look Like?

As with any surgical procedure, there will be some residual scarring from your facelift. However, our plastic surgeons take every precaution to keep incision lines as concealed as possible. Typically, these incisions are placed along the hairline, behind the ear, or under the chin. The location will be determined based on your unique needs. Resulting scars should be virtually undetectable once healed and the scars should lighten or fade over time.

How Long Will the Results of My Facelift Last?

The results of your facelift should last for many years. However, gravity and the effects of aging will eventually take their toll. If, after a period of years, you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your face you may choose to undergo a second procedure to restore a more youthful facial appearance.

What Risks Are Associated with Facelift?

As with any surgery, there are risks to undergoing a Facelift. This is why it is important to seek a highly qualified plastic surgeon to ensure your safety. Our surgeons perform in-depth consultations with each patient to determine if they are a good candidate for a Facelift, or if alternative options may be better suited for their needs. A Facelift  will only be recommended if it can help patients while ensuring as little risk as possible.

As with all cosmetic surgeries, there are some risks involved. These risks include bleeding, infection, swelling, scar irregularities and blood clots, but they are rare. Our operating suite is state-of-the-art, and we do everything we can to minimize the risks associated with surgery. Most importantly, the Ace Plastic Surgery team has various protocols in place to prevent complications from occurring.


Dr. Peter Kansiime and our team of nurses, surgical coordinators and medical office staff strive to provide every one of our patients with a seamless, enjoyable, and educational experience.

We excel at helping you reach your face, breast and body goals safely through a comprehensive offering of non-surgical procedures while educating on and achieving realistic expectations for natural, radiant results.

Many of our patients have multiple non-surgical procedures and we are proud to treat their friends, sisters, mothers, brothers, co-workers and friends time and time again. Our non-surgical procedures are meticulously detailed and performed with a patient-first mindset – ensuring you are achieving your personal goals and experiencing the very best in patient care, treatment and post-procedure support.



Whether you want to enhance your natural features or reverse signs of aging, Ace Plastic Surgery and our team serving Kenya, Uganda & throughout the East African area can help. Our procedures can allow patients to look and feel their best, and to experience the many valuable benefits of boosted self-confidence. If you’re ready to start your journey and learn more about what plastic surgery can do for you, request a consultation online or call our office at:

Ace Plastic Surgery Kenya - Lead Surgeon Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

MBChB, Mmed, PRS (U.O.N.), Cert. Microsurgery (SA)

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime is the founder and Director of Ace Plastic Surgery clinic specializing in Plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Coast Of Kenya.

Dr. Peter Biribwa Kansiime is a is a double board certified licenced plastic surgeon in Kenya and Uganda, practising Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery. He got his medical degree from the University of Nairobi.
After serving as an intern and resident at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Aga Khan Hospital among other hospitals in Kenya, Dr Biribwa completed his residency in Plastics, Aesthetics and reconstructive surgery at the University of Nairobi.
He has also undertaken a course in Microsurgery at Sefako Makgatho University in South Africa (Medical University Of South Africa – MEDUNSA)

Dr. Peter Biribwa also worked as a consulting Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at the Coast General Hospital (2018 -2021) where he was involved in clinical practice, training general surgery residents and served as external faculty to the University of Nairobi plastic Surgery Degree Training Program.

With extensive training and years of specialized experience, Dr. Peter Biribwa has built an outstanding team of healthcare professionals and clinical staff to ensure an exceptional in-patient experience and seamless delivery of service and post-operative care at Ace Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Peter Biribwa and the team at Ace Plastic Surgery are best known in Kenya, and throughout East Africa for exceptional surgical outcomes and compassionate care. Our goal is simple: to support you in achieving your cosmetic and reconstructive goals and restoring your confidence.


We believe in building lifelong relationships with our patients. This purpose guides our approach every step of the way, from the minute you walk through the door to long after your procedure is complete.


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Nothing is more personal than how we feel about how we look. View Ace Gallery for Before & After photos to see the difference.

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